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The Role of Thermal Technology in Video Security

Thermal technology has many practical applications in the real world and it is a great addition to, and enhancement of, existing security measures. If your company is willing to invest in thermal technology, it stands to benefit from the combined effects of traditional security solutions and more progressive, sustainable options. Thermal technology is a highly [...]

The Role of Thermal Technology in Video Security

What is License Plate Recognition Technology?

License Plate Recognition (LPR) software is the wave of the future when it comes to hi-tech security solutions for your business. License Plate Recognition is built using sophisticated algorithms that help to identify license plates in various scenarios and locations. Instead of having to understand these complex algorithms, it’s more useful to understand the benefits [...]

What is License Plate Recognition Technology?

5 FAQ Answers to Simplify Security Solutions

As businesses and technologies change, the security solutions that service them should evolve in parallel so that they are as sophisticated as the assets that they serve to protect. Because every industry and business is different so too are the factors that determine the most compatible security and video surveillance packages. Consult the FAQs below [...]

5 FAQ Answers to Simplify Security Solutions

Improving Production Line Productivity

Production line productivity in business must first be defined and then measured accordingly. Knowing these variables is the first step for a business to start tackling their production line productivity challenges and how to therefore improve this level of output which is clearly in the best interests of all linked to the business. For businesses [...]

Improving Production Line Productivity

Cutting Down on Stock Shrinkage Big for Business

The latest Mr CCTV blog post concerns stock shrinkage and why cutting down is essential for the longevity of a business. This article will delve deeper into what exactly stock shrinkage is, how it manifests itself in business and suggest a few practical solutions to the stock shrinkage problem and how businesses can combat it [...]

Cutting Down on Stock Shrinkage Big for Business

The Importance of Access Control in Business

Maintaining proper access control systems in any public space is paramount for the safety and security of all those who spend productive time in it. Public transport, educational institutions, factories, warehouses and businesses need to have proper access control and video surveillance systems in place at all times in order to ensure that authorised people [...]

The Importance of Access Control in Business

Top Tactics to Improve Video Security in Schools

Safety at schools continues to be of paramount importance as educators in South Africa attempt to create a good learning environment for students. Video security is one tactic that will immediately increase the safety of students and teachers alike. A strategy that combines excellent & thorough video surveillance with diligent emergency preparedness is a formula [...]

Top Tactics to Improve Video Security in Schools

Why is CCTV Security So Crucial in Business?

Security in business is paramount for commercial success and professional peace of mind. Owners of both small and large businesses should consider getting CCTV cameras installed if they aren’t doing so already for a number of reasons.   CCTV security is a crime deterrent Being able to correctly apprehend criminals with footage is a great [...]

Why is CCTV Security So Crucial in Business?

Benefits of CCTV Security in Service & Retail

Improves staff Upgrades staff and client security Helps to prevent credit card fraud Reduces shrinkage Helps to effectively apprehend shoplifters Footage can be used in labour disputes, insurance claims and disciplinary hearings. If you are a new or interested customer, complete our free Risk Profile Evaluation by contacting us today at Mr CCTV. If you are an existing customer [...]

Benefits of CCTV Security in Service & Retail

HD CCTV Offers Peace of Mind

Too often, outdated security cameras have become botched attempts at crime prevention because criminals simply knew how to render them redundant. Mr CCTV’s regular and HD cameras are installed by industry experts and come standard with numerous benefits and features that immediately provide peace of mind to their customers. The full HD cameras are weather resistant and are [...]

HD CCTV Offers Peace of Mind